I get it, that first card hits from the new product and its the one you want. Your first instinct is to offer WAAAAAAAY more than its worth, hoping the seller will take advantage of the fact that his card is prematurely selling for huge money. Ive been there, and I know from experience that its tough to fight those urges. When Five Star first came out, I spent more money than I ever have before on the Peterson cards I wanted, just because I knew how awesome they were. So, I get it.
However, this first Bryce Harper BASE RC CHROME is a little bit different, if not only because of how many of them there will be. Its not like these cards are low numbered, and its definitely not like there wont be a million of them in the course of two days. Yet, as we are seeing here, that really doesnt matter for the people bidding on this card. Just a ridiculous price. The funniest part of all of this? You can pre-buy the ENTIRE set here for the same exact price
, at least if it doesnt go any higher. Cmon, this gets more stupid by the second.
Unlike Strasburg’s eventual call up, huge initial production, and even bigger value bump as a result, Harper will most likely NOT play in the majors this year. That means all that huge attention that could come if he blows it up wont be there. Bottom line is that there is ZERO reason to buy this card for this much money. I cant wait to see what the numbered refractors are going to bring. Holy crap.
Im sure this isnt the last post like this I will have to make.
I absolutely don’t get it, either. That’s just the base chrome, not even a refractor. What will those be going for in a few days? $5? MAYBE $10?
It’s making it hard to get any decent deals on eBay lately, when people are bidding cards well over what they are worth. Oh well, I guess a card is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
Beckett has already ensured that their top grader, with 1 blind eye and the other missing, is available for immediate assignment upon pulling of the Harper Superfractor autograph.
Actually, you can pre-buy the entire set for less than the Harper alone…at last click it was at $114. Your words are pretty prophetic. In any case, I think what’s driving the Harper bus at this point is the series of articles on ESPN, Fangraphs, and the like with headings “Harper, best prospect ever?” There is some significant hype…..on his class A numbers.
No one’s denying his potential, but the hyperbole is leading to bidding wars around his first MLB uniform card.
I’m as guilty as anyone as wanting to get on board; there’s always a mentality of “I got him at the start” that sometimes permeates the collective mind of the prospector. But for me, the price is too high.
Totally spot on! $114+ for that card?! That’s not even that nice looking of a card. I think I’ll wait and see what his other cards look like over the course of the Summer.
“Patience is a virtue” is exactly my motto when it comes to buying singles on Ebay. I usually have a set price limit in mind for cards I want, and if I can’t get them for that price, I just wait until another one pops up. I can wait it out and I usually get the cards at the price I want 90% of the time.