Over the last week, Topps has leaked 3 pictures of another new product that looks to be slated around the time Supreme comes out. For 2011 Precision Football so far, two of the three cards look to be on card rookie signatures, the other being an octograph booklet. Personally, I get a weird vibe off this product, mainly because of the way the cards look, and I wonder if this is one last effort to get some autographs out into the marketplace before Five Star closes out the year. Its entirely possible that the rest of the product will be much different, and these two cards are just nice little previews before the sell sheet hits.
Let me say this, I like the simple design of the on card signatures. On the Jones, the black background and silver signature will always resonate with me, similar to the way it did for Inception. I love the way it looks. The Ingram is a little trickier because of the white background, but honestly, it still looks pretty good. I am not going to argue with regular size pictures and on card signatures. Its tough to make those types of cards look bad.
As for the octograph, Im not ever going to be a fan of the way those cards look. I just don’t like the way everything has to be packed on there. Its an inevitability of the type of card, but Im not going to like the results regardless. I wish there were more cards done like the dual non-relic autos in Platinum, where the player pictures arent little heads on tiny bodies off to the side, but that is the way the cards always turn out.
Before I make any personal final judgment, Ill wait for the rest of the sell sheet to surface next week. The configuration they show for this will be the true showcase of the way the set will work.
Uh, oh. If that checklist ends up having HOFers, current and rookies with on card autos, and is more than about 25 cards, looks like a set worth completing… 🙂 Great design!