As I mentioned before, there really isnt much that I like about the new Score set, other than the Leon Sandcastle rookie card. Honestly, even that is stretching it. Although the photography is great on the base cards
, its more a credit to the people that took the photos than the people that made the cards. Even I can copy and paste.
The first cards that look to be hobby based have hit ebay, and the word underwhelming doesnt even begin to describe it.
2013 Score Matt Barkley 1989 Throwback Auto
2013 Score Tavon Austin Hot Rookies Auto 99/99
2013 Score Deandre Hopkins 1989 Throwback Auto /49
2013 Score Tyler Wilson Hot Rookies Auto /99
Its really sad that we have gotten to this point, where the idea of putting out a set for kids is done as lip service rather than showing actual effort to give them something good. Dont get me wrong, I think any money spent marketing to kids in this hobby is a waste of your budget, but at least do it right. In all seriousness, that is all I am hearing for the purpose of producing this set, but I really think it turned out worse than many could have expected. How else could you explain a card that might as well be a mug shot for the player on it
I think there are redeeming points to the product – the throwback style inscription set, for example – but those are about as few and far between as you can get. Doesnt help that the sticker dump is in effect, as expected. Considering that the design for both Prestige and Elite look to be as weak as they have ever been, its a bad situation to start the year for Panini.
On the other hand, Topps is about to release Bowman Football for the first time since 2009, and there is no guarantee that their effort will be any better. At least they chose to use retouched college action shots over the stupid sideline shots that Panini is obsessed with
, and that should make it a bit more palatable.
A few years ago, I was asked by a company rep for suggestions on what to do for a pre-draft set, and all I could muster was “Chrome. Just a lot of Chrome.” I just didnt see what else could be successful in this type of market. Hell, there is no indication that a pre-draft product is necessary with the previous year’s sets extending so far into the next pages on the calendar. Obviously, we are going to see if my inclination to produce a chrome set will work out, but I know its got to be better than this.
I actually like the 89 retro mug shot cards infinitely better than anything that comes out with the rookie in the college uniform or the 00 version from rookie premiere. I prefer draft day holding the jersey next to the commish better than being in college uni….
Its more disturbing that Panini cant get those 89 auto versions of this years players signed on card and still puts a white box on everything. Does the revenue generated by being the first 2013 product outweigh the interest and sales that would be generated by those same cards being hard signed….
Its interesting that cards are made and we collect players but we rarely get a chance to actually see what they really look like.
If post draft pre training camp card sets didnt come out what is the alternative? How much would we complain about a product released in May of 13 only having players from 2012 in it? Or youd end up with a middling product like Archives
As long as retailers(Target and Walmart have to be the biggest buyers of Score and most May/June FB product) keep buying it, the companies will keep making it… If the NFL is going to allow the companies to put out 30+ products a year Score is the result
I also think this is a by product of the exclusive licensing by the leagues. If Topps and UD got to make baseball would they still have the same pre season FB products