Last week, I talked about the ridiculous prices that the Sam Bradford 1/1s were getting on eBay. However, as we found out from the sellers themselves, the bids on the bigger 1/1s were fraudulent, and the cards never changed hands. Since the post, many more of the main Bradford hits have surfaced, including ones from the recent releases of Supreme and Plates and Patches.
Although the 2010 Certified 1/1 Mirror Black Auto logo was obtained through the shadiest of means, it didnt sell at the ridiculous price that was attached to the card. On the other hand, the non-auto logo 1/1 Mirror Black DID sell for a really nice price
, and personally, I would never think that non-autographed card like that would EVER get that kind of price. It would be one thing if the card was cool looking, but the helmet off studio lame-fest photo and the horrid rainbow foil make this one of the worst cards of the year.
A similarly ugly Bowman Sterling superfractor auto was re-listed around the same time, and this time, there was not any place for fraudulent bids to be placed. It sold for one of the craziest prices I have ever seen, and I can imagine that the seller was happy as all hell. Again, the card is so fucking terrible in both design and look, and again someone dropped the price of a Kia on this abomination.
As for the recent release of Plates & Patches, the 1/1 auto laundry tag logo was put up as a BIN, and sold higher than I expected it to. This card is NOT the NFL logo patch, but rather the NFL logo off the laundry tag, which is why I was shocked for it go as high as it did. I would think that that when the 1/1 logo does surface, it will sell for a price a little higher than this one. Who knows if it even made it into the pack out though, right?
Lastly, I saw that some of the main Bradford hits out of 2010 Topps Supreme were popping up as well, but unlike the other cards, these prices were more expected for where they ended up. The non-auto logo was put up and sold pretty quickly
, and I think it speaks to the popularity of Bradford that even a terrible looking card like this 1/1 could sell for this much. The 1/1 letter autographs
that went up around the same time, all went for about the same price
, despite the fact that all the fabric around the letters were removed. I literally cannot fathom why someone would even think to buy a card that looks the way these do.
The funniest thing about all of these is that Bradford is going to have to go nuts over the next few years to continue to live up to the values that these cards are getting. I can understand if you are a Rams fan or a Bradford collector, but for prospectors to buy in when things are THIS high is completely ridiculous. Its like people dont get that prospecting is all about buying in BEFORE the boom and selling to those who are late to the party. Not the other way around.
Dude, I was sooo ready to drop another $30 on top of the thousands for that Bradford. I mean, an additional $30 for shipping? Why the hell not!? I mean, if you’re raping collectors of the best card in a release you got for free, why not get all you can, right? I was hoping there would be a 20% buyers fee, too. You know, just for good measure…
What did you mean by the 1/1 Mirror Black Auto Logo of Bradford “was obtained through the shadiest of means”?
As I know the seller casually … and he is a MAJOR buyer on the East Coast of all products and the amount of THE CUP he has bought is crazy. He’s a big time seller and cracker of cases.
I have a question about the 1/1 letter autos. Is Topps so
cheapgreedy that they felt the need to use the material around the letters for more low end jersey cards? Those cards are an abomination and should be shot with a shot-gun and then the pieces burned….