I Absolutely Love It When Its THIS Easy!

I love the new things that the scammers try to pull to scam people into thinking that they have that one card that is unique over all the others. After browsing on Blowout, I came across pw2215, a lovely scammer who is already being investigated by Topps’ legal team per a tweet earlier this week. Well, some of the other companies better get off their ass and do something too.

Its one thing to do fake patches, its another to do fake patches that are so damn obvious that I wonder how ANYONE thinks they are real. Take a look at some of these ones that he has up, it is literally as bad as it was before people started faking those jumbo cards out of 2005 Absolute baseball.

Here are my favorites so far:

Brandon Lafell Patch/Reebok Logo Jumbo – These cards dont happen, and really CANT happen because of the ways that companies cut up the jerseys. But when there is a specific other set dedicated to the Reebok logos in this very product, it definitely makes it that much more funny.

LeSean McCoy Patch/Reebok Logo Jumbo – See above. OH WAIT! CRAP! He has two cards like this, so they MUST be real! Take that one Gellman.

Jorge Posada Triple Threads Tag Logo /5,000,000 – Yup, gotta think that this card definitely came out of the pack numbered that high with a FULL tag. Cmon, why are people falling for this junk? Oh, I forgot, its cards, so no one does any research. No matter that the tag used in this card isnt used on MLB jerseys.

Randall Cunningham Brand Logo National Treasures Auto – These are always great. He thinks he can slip this one past because its a low numbered NT card. What a douche.

Prince Fielder Gypsy Queen Patch Logo Card – Not Numbered – I wholeheartedly believe that this guy pulled the one logo patch out of a set composed COMPLETELY of jersey cards. No wonder Topps is even handling this fool, its just too funny not to.

Philip Rivers 2004 Fleer Reebok Logo Patch – No person who makes their living peddling douchebaggery can be without some Fleer logo cards. Its like the Rojex watches you get on the street.

I used to be of the understanding that scammers were starting to move away from this type of stupidity, but after the last few months, I dont think that is the case anymore. Well, just makes it that much more fun to go browsing for 100% authentic douchebag card art masterpieces.

17 thoughts on “I Absolutely Love It When Its THIS Easy!

  1. His Disclaimer: “I have gotten a few questions about are my sick patches real? I buy from dealers all over the country and I do the best I can to buy only from trusted dealers who I buy from on a regular basis. I take risks to have sick patches to sell to my customers.”

    This guy should do himself (and his wallet) a favor and stay away from the stock market

  2. in one auction he mentions no hassle refunds if the cards are proven fake. Is there a grading service around that will authenticate patch cards?

  3. My name is Phillip Weatherford I am the owner of FOOTBALL CARD HAVEN, user name pw2215. Im basically the guy you are bashing. You all say this card is fake and that card is fake. Is it possible, of course but i take risk and now they are blowing up in my face. I have worked long and hard to get where im at on EBay and these patches I pick up could be the down fall of me, wow!!! I know 100% the rivers is real it was pack pulled in front of me so believe that or not. As far as the rest I bought them all as singles from different dealers. But to think I would try to kill my business by intentionally selling fake patches is insane. If I ever sell anything and the buyer does not like it or trust it they can send it back and I will give them a full no hassle refund. I do this as an extra form of income and I really enjoy buying and selling, but congrats I think that with all this wonderful publicity I’m getting by people who have never bought from me and never seen anything but a scan I will probably yank every questionable sick patch and eat the loss.

  4. Listen, you have so many questionable patches for sale and so many obvious ones for sale, that it is very tough for me to believe any of what you are saying. Do what you will, but I think its worth mentioning that if your story is actually true, you really need to adjust the way you evaluate the cards you are buying.

  5. Seriously, please read my feedbacks, and look how long I’ve been on Ebay. I did not go out and try to tarnish my own record. I even just emailed Topps since you all said they are investigating me to tell me whatever they can on their brand of cards that I have listed, and to verify to me personally that I’m being investigated. They have all my info. and I hope they do get back to me. No offense to you or whoever wrote this article but you all dang near guarnteed one of my cards is fake and I can guarantee it was pack pulled (Philip Rivers). So is it possible you all are wrong. I appreciate any website who helps collectors against bad dealers, but you all bash people and you don’t know anthing about them besides assumptions and accusations. If I ever do anyone dirty in this business I will fix it nop matter how much money I lose but I am not a bad person and I’m not a fraud. One last question if there was only 1 or 2 listed in my store at one time would you all still be questionaing me???? Thank you for replying to my comments and I hope when this is all said and done you all will realize that everything I am saying is true

  6. so you repeatedly defend one card but have no rebuttal for any of the other cards. That says a lot to me. One patch you swear is real the rest you are giving a pass on because you aren’t the original seller. Why not only sell cards you believe are real wouldn’t that be a lot easier?

  7. Pingback: Fake or Not?? - The Hobby Talk - Sports Cards & Hobby Community

  8. I wonder if it would be possible to put a picture of the patch on the back of the card to avoid fakes when they are produced. Something has to be done and that would eliminate fakes when the back of the card has a photo of the patch that was put into card by manufacturer.

  9. Unfortuantley I can not watch every card I buy from dealers pulled from a pack. The reason I used that 1 twice was to prove that just looking at a scan cannot prove it’s authenticity. I completely understand everyones point but as a dealer I like the sick looking patches so I was buying them and reselling them with knowing there is some risks involved. But as a seller you try to buy from trusted sources until they prove otherwise and always have your customers back if something bad happens. My customers truly have no risk because I will refund without hesitation to anyone who is even unhappy with the purchase. I have never had a patch card come back to me but if it ever does happen I promise I will take the loss not the customer. I wish card companies would do exactly like what pat said and it would eliminate all problems. I truly appreciate everyones input that are truly not just trying to bash me and have great rest of the night.

  10. Panini will authenticate patches from 2009 or 2010 through current. I do believe the Lafell and Lesean are fraudelent. I dont think the seller knows they are because I believe him and he buys from sellers all over. He has great feedback on feebay and doesnt appear to try and be riping people off. Id ask questions before typing something like this up on somebody. It just makes me feel bad for the seller

  11. Unfortuneately, the seller should carry the burden of proof. Before an item is listed if it’s suspect check w/ the company. If you are selling many of a single type of item become an expert. If SCU can easily spot these fakes then a seasoned dealer should be even more aware. If Phillip took time to buy and sell on the bay and comment why can’t he read the scam school? Fakes are fakes regardless of seller ignorance or not.

  12. Oh, god no. That would make too much sense. In the end, the card companies are a business and if patch/autograph faking is not affecting their business, then they have no incentive to help. Unfortunately, they would never go for a photo on the back, because then they couldn’t use the same back for multiple card sets and it would cost them money (see the no incentive clause above). I am almost 100% sure that the lines that the cards are assembled on are automated and it seems that adding a step of photographing the card after it is serial numbered to show the autograph and/or jersey would be trivial. But, again that would add a bit of money to the equation and well, you see (again see the incentive clause above)…

  13. Funny how pretty much the only thing that you can be pretty sure is NOT a fake these days is a boring plain old low-end card.

    Other that that you’ve got fake autos, fake patches, fake relics, hell even fake PSA labels and slabs….

    I guess that’s what happens when the hobby becomes all about making money instead of actually enjoying collecting…

  14. Dude, enough. Look at all these cards. You need to stop trying to defend yourself saying that you have all these proceedures and crap when you sell cards like this one:



    This one:



    This one:


    It goes on and on.

    Take down the fakes and ill take down the post. ALL OF THEM. Not just the ones I highlighted.

  15. I wonder if he is getting them from that 1 guy in Florida that also does business in Tennessee who has been routinely found selling fakes on Ebay.

  16. Phillip Weatherford then post the names of these “dealers” who you bought these from. I mean your own comments state you deal with them often, therefore you know who they are.

    I wont be waiting for an answer as we both know why you wont post them.

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