Another Praise Posting for SP Base Variations In Lower End Products

I have posted before on how much I love the addition of base variation cards to a product that takes aim at mid to low end audiences. Because variations dont screw up the set collectors in a way that prevents them from collecting a set they may want, its good fun that adds A LOT of value to a product, depending on how SPed the variations are. Starting back in 2009, Topps started adding SP variations to their base and chrome sets in football, and I went nuts trying to find the one per case SPs of my guys. Last year, every rookie who went to the premiere had a variation, and again I went nuts trying to find the ones I wanted. It looks like this is going to be happening again this year, and I am VERY excited to try to find the ones I want.

We already got a great taste of how popular variations can be, as seen in both Topps Series one and two for baseball. To celebrate their “Diamond” anniversary, they have put out base variations with little sparkles in the cards. Many of the traditional collectors hate the “gimmicky” nature of this practice, but I dont see why its a big deal. In fact, I think its a pretty damn good idea to get people to really buy a ton of packs trying to get them. On top of that, they sell for HUGE money when you consider that the only difference is a little photoshopped sparkle in the picture.

Check out some of the recent sales and you will see what I mean:

Ichiro Diamond Sparkle SP

Jose Reyes Diamond Sparkle SP

Prince Fielder Diamond Sparkle SP

Panini tried to do their impression of Topps’ incredibly SPed base cards in Prestige, but when you insert the cards one per box,, instead of one per case, it doesnt have the same effect. The variation cards do have the full color logos in place of the AWFUL washed out logos that the base rookie cards usually have, so its at least an improvement over the hideous non-autoed rookies.

In the end, I think 2011 Topps Football is going to be a big win for collectors who have been STARVING for a good looking and well conceived product. I know I will be waiting with baited breath until the last weekend in July, especially when you see just how ridiculously horrible Panini Elite looks.

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