One of the worst things about having a favorite player that is widely collected by just about everyone, is that it attracts the riff-raff trying to make a quick buck in nefarious ways. Actually, since this hobby is crawling with these scammers, its easy to see why they do what they do with Adrian Peterson, mainly because of how uneducated the normal collector is.
I get emails daily with Peterson stuff from eBay, and today I got a special surprise that made me go, “really, we have gotten to THIS point?” It was a 2008 Topps Finest Printing plate that this known seller of fakes is claiming to be hard signed, which was being sold by the aptly named timmaayyye on eBay. The problem is that Topps Finest veteran printing plates are never signed, and if they were, they wouldnt be HARD signed. Secondly, that autograph is completely a joke, much like some of the others he has sold recently
This guy may actually be one of the perpetrators of one of the batches of fake 2007 Rookie Premiere Peterson autos, as this fake looks exactly like a lot of the fakes I see on a daily basis. Im wondering if this guy is the guy responsible for a part of the infestation of fakes that have ruined an entire product.
As I say at the end of every one of these posts, education is the only defense we have against these stupid people, so make sure you always do your research before buying. If it is too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true. Many of these cards cant be distinguished by people who dont do look at signatures on a regular basis, so I can see why the money is like taking candy from a baby.
Too bad he can’t be sterilized and have his hands cut off. They do it other countries!
Keep up the good fight. Though I don’t buy packs anymore and I don’t collect autos, I enjoy you bringing these scams to light.
I’ve seen you call out that seller before…why does he have 100% feedback though?
Easily $1000+!
Coincidence that the items he sells are “Private” on his feedback? Why does anyone buy from a card seller that uses this practice? C’mon people!, wise up! I don’t care if his feedback is 100%, hiding your sold items (especially in this hobby) is a red flag!
Feedback means nothing in terms of fakes.
It is a sticker, not hard signed. Fake nonetheless. Probably removed it from one of the many Topps Performance Peterson autos…
The auto is a fake auto, even if on a sticker. The auto itself is fake.
Here are the real printing plate autos from 2007, but like 2008, they are only rookies.