Allen and Ginter is a set collector’s dream, or nightmare depending on how you look at it. The cards are designed to have maximum collectability and most of the set isnt even baseball players. Its one of the most popular sets of the year, and Topps collectors wait all year for the opportunity to break it and put the set together.
Well, there is a new aspect to the set this year, and I am not sure how I feel about it. Booklet cards have infested the product for 2010, and my hatred for booklet cards in general make me want to completely bash every aspect of these ones. Ever since the satanic abominations that made their debut in 2007 Triple Threads, my all time favorite set, booklets have penetrated every thing. 2009 Exquisite football, Exquisite Basketball, almost every Topps product that they could fit them into, and even ridiculous TRI-fold cards in Triple Craps. Despite my hatred, for some reason, these look okay for once. It could be the white border, the lack of neon blue foil board, or the painted aspects of the cards, but I don’t hate these cards.
They are going for ridiculous money, and a few have started to show up on eBay
. Obviously, the focus of the set is far from cards like this, but I have a feeling that with the inclusion of the Strasburg autos and minis
, A&G is heading towards high end pulls for 2010. Cuts have always been an extremely rare part of the set, but rarely become the chase. These are surely to fall into that category, and I expect them to continue to be worth massive cheese for a long time.
Speaking of higher end pulls, the booklets arent the only part of the equation. I just saw that Ginter also has cards like this, and like this
which take ridiculous to a whole new level. I cant even begin to imagine how much these will go for, but they are beyond words. I may have to keep an eye out to see if any Twins are on the checklist for these type of cabinet cards.
Who knows, maybe there are even parts we have yet to see.