This card sets off all sorts of red flags, first off. Its from a guy whose name is “hotpacksgalore,” sells all hot packs except for a bunch of ridiculous Ultimate patch cards that look suspect, and then there is this Peterson. A great and wonderful person acting in our hobby. Now, I am NOT SURE if this isnt real (not anymore, see below), but there is a lot of things I dont like about the auction.
Category Archives: fake patches
Again, I Am Telling You To Buy Early For SPA
SP Authentic is still a few weeks away from having questions about authenticity, but in all honesty, questioning patches will always be a problem until there is a national photo database. This Matt Ryan gold patch auto is probably one of the most valuable non 1/1s in the 2008 set, but that didnt stop someone from almost certainly defiling this card. I would normally not have an issue with seeing a logo patch out of last year’s SPA, but when the guy also has a Flacco patch like this
, questions arise.
Stay Away From NSA – Write That Down
I recently got an email from a collector wondering about the hundreds of encased NSA 1/1 patch cards that get posted on eBay every day
The Super Bowl Brings Out The Best In Us All
Someone paid 72 dollars for this card. Why, im not sure. It may be the worst fake since the Eli Manning triple NFL logo/fake auto from a few months ago, and yet, someone still bought it. On top of the sticker being beyond terrible, its pretty dumb to put a laundry tag in a card labeled “game worn jersey.” In addition, the sitcker is in the wrong color pen, it looks nothing like Bush’s signature, and yet, it was enough to convince at least one person it was worth buying.
This Is Why Prime Cuts Was Helpful
I just posted on the horrible things done to jumbo patch cards, and this one is no exception