This Kind Of Makes Me Sad (UPDATED)

This card sets off all sorts of red flags, first off. Its from a guy whose name is “hotpacksgalore,” sells all hot packs except for a bunch of ridiculous Ultimate patch cards that look suspect, and then there is this Peterson. A great and wonderful person acting in our hobby. Now, I am NOT SURE if this isnt real (not anymore, see below), but there is a lot of things I dont like about the auction.

First, the card is WAY too conveniently cropped. Because there is only 10 of these cards, and many of them have been put on eBay, including the one I bought, he probably needed to conceal the number. Then, when you factor in that the small picture of the card again conveniently is just too small to see the numbers, more red flags pop up. In my experience, people who go out of their way to show their item this way, are doing it because they have something to hide.
Also, I FUCKING LOVE these cards and have been tracking all of them that have popped up on eBay. Although some feature nice patches, there have been ZERO logos in the ones /10. From the sell sheet, the 1/1s feature logos, but not these. Fishy if you ask me.
I wouldnt touch this card with someone else’s ten foot pole, but someone found it convincing enough to drop five bills on. That is something I will never understand.
EDIT: THIS CARD HAS BEEN CONFIRMED FAKE. Here is the card when the set was released. What. A. Fucking. DOUCHEBAG.
h/t MARK – thank you buddy!

Again, I Am Telling You To Buy Early For SPA

SP Authentic is still a few weeks away from having questions about authenticity, but in all honesty, questioning patches will always be a problem until there is a national photo database. This Matt Ryan gold patch auto is probably one of the most valuable non 1/1s in the 2008 set, but that didnt stop someone from almost certainly defiling this card. I would normally not have an issue with seeing a logo patch out of last year’s SPA, but when the guy also has a Flacco patch like this, questions arise.

See, SPA has a major problem with fakes. MAJOR. Because the cards have such a huge premium for logo patches, and so many people have become accustomed to pack pulled 25 color patches, its become very tough to discern fakes. In fact, because of this fact, 2007 and 2008 SPA RPAs have become some of the biggest targets in the hobby.
I have said on numerous occasions that you need to buy logos early or stick to 2 color patches, because once the 6 week mark hits, its a crapshoot with the three colors and above. You may pay an extra 10-20%, but it may be worth it to know that you have one that is real.
Another small victory for the RPAs this time, is that when you have as many big name redemptions as you do, collectors will have a lot more time to let prices settle before buying redemptions. Yes, redemptions suck, but at least you can buy six months from now and not worry about fakes.
I hate that its gotten to this point, but when you have a hobby as filled with douchebag goat fuckers as it is, drastic measures need to be adopted.

Stay Away From NSA – Write That Down

I recently got an email from a collector wondering about the hundreds of encased NSA 1/1 patch cards that get posted on eBay every day. I know if you have searches set up with daily filtered eBay items, you have seen these terrible cards. They are the ones that are sold as “game used” and are encased in holders that look similar to BGS and PSA, but look like they were made in someone’s garage. People buy these cards thinking that the jersey swatches are game used, when really they are most likely just cut up replica jerseys.

I shouldnt even have to write about this subject, as there is no reason to consider buying a non-certified card, patch or no patch. Its like buying a questionable auto certified by GAI – why even waste your time? Considering that most of the certified patches for 90% of any product checklist sell for under $10, its not even cost effective to spend a dime on fucking junk like these.
Hopefully that clears this up for those of you who are super collectors, as these cards should not be on your radar. Just walk away and let some other poor schmuck buy them.

The Super Bowl Brings Out The Best In Us All

Someone paid 72 dollars for this card. Why, im not sure. It may be the worst fake since the Eli Manning triple NFL logo/fake auto from a few months ago, and yet, someone still bought it. On top of the sticker being beyond terrible, its pretty dumb to put a laundry tag in a card labeled “game worn jersey.” In addition, the sitcker is in the wrong color pen, it looks nothing like Bush’s signature, and yet, it was enough to convince at least one person it was worth buying.

Not only that, but this card was scanned front AND back, and it is clearly labeled as a non-auto, non prime jersey card in BOTH scans. If that wasnt enough, it looks like it was done pretty poorly with the perfectly centered laundry tag. Too funny.
Either way, im sure this is the first of many awful cards to come after the end of the game, and I encourage you to be extra careful when going on a Saints or Colts buying spree once its over. A lot of people will be out to take your money, and thats where you need to watch your ass.
Have fun tonight, ill recap my highlights tomorrow.
EDIT: I guess it does say auto on the back in little letters, but there is no way that auto is real. Its the wrong color and things that dont change sig to sig are wrong. Look at the slant of the auto and the two beginning letters, they are wrong. Also, the way the B and the last stroke are connected are not similar to any other bush sig. Not to mention its all in the wrong color. This isnt real.

This Is Why Prime Cuts Was Helpful

I just posted on the horrible things done to jumbo patch cards, and this one is no exception. I was searching through some of the cool Prime Cuts cards that were released last year, trying to find something to buy, when I found this card. Wow.

The first thing that caught my eye was the World Series patch, because there have been so many fails in the past where the player didnt play in the game or games. This one checks out, but obviously, World Series jerseys are such coveted items that I doubt one made it into this set.
Then I wondered why this particular card was not encapsulated like all the other Prime Cuts cards of this nature. Although some of the Gwynn cards were outside of the main hit in the box, all of the colossal autos were encapsulated like this one. Obviously this particular card is a fake patch, and a bad one at that, but that is not the point of this post.
What I am trying to convey is that encapsulation may be one of the only ways to protect jumbo swatch cards from situations like this one. In this instance, a lack of encapsulation proves to be a tell tale sign of what is going on. Prime cuts, although the green sticker was a little big, did a great job of showing collectors what the point was for doing what they did.
Then again, you have cards like this which confuse me, but at least I would feel better buying it than I did with the world series one.
Lesson: there is no need for a national database when you have obvious counter-measures.