In 2016, all products have parallels. Every. Single. Last. One of them. Some products have so many parallels that the structure doesnt make sense. Some parallels are so worthless that they have less value than the base.
Knowing all this, leave it to Panini to call a product Unparalleled. Im guessing there will be PLENTY of parallels. Its even mentioned in the sell sheet.
I understand that they were trying to use the word in context that the product would have no equal, but that is just something that most collectors are going to laugh at. Its like saying “Man, I paid an arm and a leg for this” while talking to an amputee. There are just some synonyms that arent worth using.
The product itself is a fucking joke, as has been just about every other product that Panini has on the calendar this year. We almost need a checklist for all the dumb gimmicks they use, and this product satisfies almost all of them.
Stupid posed photos instead of dynamic action shots? Check.
Separated signature area with an ugly big white box? Check.
Crazy eye pain brought on by overly busy stock patterns? Check.
Rainbow foil? Check.
Lame set names that use horrible alliteration? Check! TIMES TWO! COMBO MOVE!
Its all there. If they use acetate in this set some how, that’s the coup de grace.
Panini sucks at making cards. They suck at building new brands. They suck and creating themes for products, and the primary and secondary market performance of these products showcase that no one likes what they do. For obvious reasons, the NFL cared more about money than product performance, and now we have a Panini exclusive.
Eventually the product shelves will be so full at the distributors with unsalable inventory that Panini will have to give out free packs all year long. Fuck them for ruining football even more than it was already ruined.