Its rare that I would care about somehting like this, but it was completely shocking to see how much Tebow’s base rookie out of elite is going for. Now, it would be one thing if the guy had a shot at starting and doing well, but for a late half first round pick who is third on the depth chart, this is ridiculous.
You all know my feelings on Tebow’s prospect of doing well in this league, but when you have a base card numbered to 999 that is selling at this price, I start to wonder what certain people are smoking. Sam Bradford, the number one pick in the draft, is selling at five dollars less, something I find pretty amazing. Also, the unsigned version of the NFL shield card is selling quite high as well
, which is funny because it isnt even part of the normal Elite base set.
Again, prospecting is one thing, but when you buy in at the 85th floor instead of getting in on the ground level, you have a few screws loose. A number of sites have been talking about the dissaray of the Rams’ offensive line, and that hasn’t hurt Bradford’s price, so I guess that being buried behind Orton and Quinn for the moment wouldn’t hurt people’s understanding of the potential of a guy with throwing and accuracy problems.
Just when I thought my respect level for certain things couldn’t get any lower, right?