Baseball and Basketball collectors love old 90s rare inserts. You know, the ones with all the shiny foil and crazy ridiculous designs. The lower the numbering the higher the price they fetch. Im sure you are all familiar with all the Michael Jordans from Metal or other similar products
, numbered to 100 that sell for thousands of dollars. For some reason, these cards are so widely collected to due rarity, that value skyrockets beyond similarly numbered cards from the last few years. I completely understand that it has to do more with production runs than anything, but its no less shocking.
As a result of collectors loving the (usually) gaudy offerings from 1990s insert sets, Leaf has decided to produce cards in homage to these products with the new baseball product that hit stores this past week. With 10 hard signed autos per box, Leaf Valiant also offers the first pack inserted autographs of Ichiro to hit eBay in years, which have been selling at huge prices as of the first ended auctions. These cards actually look pretty cool with hard signed signatures, and I can definitely see the appeal for collectors that chase the rare inserts.
Check out some of these prices:
Ichiro Blue Prismatic Auto /14
Ichiro Green Valiant Auto On Card
Ichiro Green Valiant Auto On Card – ENDED
I have talked a lot about Ichiro lately, only because of how hugely popular his recent cards have turned out to be. For a guy whose claim to fame is slap hitting and high average, you don’t expect these types of prices. However, because of widespread international fame and following from an entire area of the world, it’s not as much of a shock.
Ichiro is as good as it gets for Japanese players, and I think Leaf made the right choice cashing in on his fame.
Pay homage to 90’s inserts? the copied one companies designs!
Nice idea. Call me when they use veteran players instead of no-name prospects.