One of My Favorite Days – 2012 Five Star Football Preview!

Of all the many sets that are released each year, Topps Five Star has become one of my favorites. Not only is it the only product that offers full hard signed signatures from Rookies, Veterans, and HOFers, but the design team continually makes the product look like it is truly worth the price tag on the box. No stickers, no junk, just pure unadulterated appeal.

Last year, Five Star struggled more than it should have, because the booklets didnt have any patches in them. It scared collectors away from the best looking product of the year, if not only because of a bunch of swatches. This year, we are seeing that Topps is going back to basics, which should put Five Star back on the pedestal it should be on.

My favorite cards in the preview are the jumbo patch autos and the rookie patch autos, as both look to be expertly designed to help foster a high end appeal. Five Star has never had jumbo swatches before, and with National Treasures having the edge there, these jumbos look absolutely tremendous. The vertical rectangular swatches do wonders to allow for a big player pic and a big player signature. EXACTLY the way it should be.

The booklets look vastly improved as well, focusing on the design work needed to show that these booklets are a step above the rest. The ornate design helps the pictures and layout pop out, and I could not be more happy that there are a number of patches that should be in this set.

Additionally, we get a repeat performance from the best looking dual autographs in the business. Last year’s were some of my favorite dual autographs ever produced, as the signatures and the players stood out from the rest of the card. This year’s look to be similarly well done, and I am wondering how much money I am going to have to save to buy all the cards I want.

Im sure the inscription cards that everyone loves will be back for a third year, and I am holding my breath to find out what the players write on their cards. Five star continues to be the top of the mountain, a benchmark that the rest of the industry must live up to. With so many high end products on the market these days, this one stands out above the rest. Its a result of attention to design and layout, offering the best place for the elements of the card to shine. Topps easily could have made another National Treasures, but they stuck to their guns and rightfully delivered some illustrious card artwork that should be used as a gold standard for every other product.

Here are the pictures:

4 thoughts on “One of My Favorite Days – 2012 Five Star Football Preview!

  1. Design-wise, these are great. Only reason I didn’t buy last years is I thought it looked a bit tacky. These are obviously high-end cards.

  2. I think it should be noted that Topps is clearly #3 when it comes to high end. I like Five Star and I even busted 2 boxes of 2010, but when you stack it against NT and Exquisite in terms of value, it’s just not there. I don’t really know how these previews are going to change that at all.

    NT seems to have a great following, which holds up box prices even if the design might not be to my liking.

    Exquisite, despite its late release (understatement anyone?), packed a ton of value into their boxes with some great looking cards of all-time greats and some amazing patches of the rookies.

    I just don’t see Topps closing the gap until they #1 redesign the look of the set (it’s basically just been color variations the last 3 years) and #2 pack more value into each box. Single color jerseys should NEVER be found in high end boxes unless they are game used of HOF’ers and a box that retails for around $500 should yield at least 1 card that makes me jump out of my chair when I pull it.

  3. So, those 4 single color jersey cards of players like Nate Washington and Devery Henderson in National Treasures doesnt fall under that same philosophy? NT box breaks depend almost 100% on the rookie patch you get.

    I agree that in terms of value, Topps has a long way to go. However, in terms of design, they are by far number 1.

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