It takes a lot for me to report on a redemption signing, but this is pretty fucking big. After close to a year waiting, it looks as if Panini has managed to get Russell Wilson to put ink to his outstanding cards, which only adds to the allure his big hits have had over the last few weeks.
Since the announcement, the redemptions have become even hotter than they were prior:
2012 National Treasures Russell Wilson Auto Patch RC
2012 National Treasures Russell Wilson Auto Dual NFL GEAR Relic
2012 Playbook Russell Wilson Booklet Auto Patch RC
I am personally waiting on two Russell Wilson autos from NT and Playbook of last year, and I am desperately hoping that I will get them with this first batch of completed cards. From what it looks like, there are almost 3-4 products that all need signatures, and one can only hope that everyone gets what they are looking for.
Panini should thank their lucky stars they were able to get this done, because there are a lot of collectors out there waiting. Considering they just had another semi-win with Nick Foles Contenders getting fulfilled, this is significantly larger news.
Now if only they could get Julio Jones to sign his Contenders cards!!!