Since 2010, National Treasures has taken over as the go to for rookie auto patch cards for each class. Although I would argue that many other super premium products have looked better on a REGULAR basis, collectors go nuts for this shit. For the super majority of the run of this product, it has gotten attention I really dont think it deserves, and I think 2015 is just another garbage filled brick in that wall.
Here are some of the bigger hits up so far:
2015 National Treasures Matt Ryan NFL Logo Auto 1/1
2015 National Treasures Marcus Mariota Rookie Patch Auto
2015 National Treasures Todd Gurley Rookie Relic Auto /25
2015 National Treasures Marcus Mariota Titans Logo RPA
2015 National Treasures Jameis Winston Quad Patch Auto Relic /5
That isnt saying there arent nice looking cards in this version of the product. There are some very cool cards, especially if you are lucky enough to avoid all the duds that litter this checklist. To me, Treasures represents a bloated checklist, with a partial sticker dump
, all mixed together with the content collectors chase.
The main cards are always the rookie auto patch cards, which this year do not improve at all on a very successful design from 2014. Its a vertical card this time around, which I cant fucking stand, and has some spirograph looking shit behind the player. In fact, odd design choices and lack of product continuity are all over Treasures this year, and that’s another reason I dont like it at all.
For the main on card sets, Colossal, RAPs, and a few others, the set looks like a copy paste of baseball and multi sport from 2015. The rest of the set looks very different, and creates a crazy split in the set that suggests Treasures should be two products mashed together. Comparing the base cards, the stickers, and scrub rookie autos to the on card stuff doesnt look like it comes from the same box. All in all, this set will end up being more valuable than Definitive’s patch autos for the big guys, and that is a fucking crime.
My biggest complaint aside from the disjointed design, is the horrid choices of photos across many of the subsets. Its just stupid that Panini continues to find value in adding goofy ass posed photos, instead of using game shots or action shots from the rookie premiere. It literally removes my desire to purchase a card that features some of these terrible player pictures.
There are also a ton of train wreck vertical jumbo patch cards, which as mentioned before are really difficult to make look good, and that is with a design team that is actually competent. It should come as no surprise that Panini’s football team created the equivalent of a cardboard wet fart for most of these cards. Its funny that a card like this doesnt even make my top 3 for worst in the set
. The least they could have done was at least try to make things look good. The horizontal versions are actually pretty nice looking
Im really done trying to fight against the wave of collectors who will chase these cards just because they say Treasures on them. I understand that I am in the minority about the choices Panini continually makes on their products of this nature, but I just cannot support their awful skills at making good looking trading cards. They are the fucking worst.
While I may never be hired to design cards, I really like the vast majority of what I’ve seen in 2015 National Treasures Football.
I respect your opinion and often times you lead me to understand how a card design could have been improved. At the same time, understanding that you are in the minority who don’t appreciate these (the vast majority from my view) beautiful and highly collectible cards, is the first step to seeing beauty from another man’s eyes.