I think the creation of Inception changed the game for products that are released this early in the year. By using the design, format and signing process that Topps has done for this product since 2011, it has made on card autographs and super high end content available very early on in the year. I could not be more happy. Lucky for us, 2015 Inception looks like it might be the best version of the set to date, and it comes with zero redemptions
. Here are some of my favorite elements.
Black Matte Cards – Inscription, Gold and Silver Autos
Im going to be honest here and say that these are one of the main reasons that I buy Inception year after year. The way the black matte cards are done is amazing to see in person, as the player and signature seem to pop off the card. Adding in special inscriptions and drawn plays, and these become chase cards even at a level reserved for sets later in the year. If you cant see from scans, the player is a glossy cut out against the matte stock, which adds to the visual appeal. They are just awesome cards in every sense.
2015 Topps Inception Jameis Winston Auto Inscription /10
2015 Topps Inception Todd Gurley Inscription Auto 1/1
2015 Topps Inception Kevin White Inscription Auto /10
Booklet Cards
Normally, you cannot get relics with on card autographs done in time for a release this early on in the season. It takes too long to get the cards printed and built, and then arrange the signing to have them completed by the athlete. This is why on card relic autos dont usually pop up until December en masse.
2015 Topps Inception Marcus Mariota Booklet Laundry Tag Auto 5/5
2015 Topps Inception Jameis Winston Auto Booklet Jumbo Patch 4/5
Topps found a way to do it with Inception that allows them to get the book signed before it is actually a book. The results are stunning, and include the first NFL Shield high end hits of the year. The Mariota was recently pulled and shown off, and it looks absolutely incredible.
Relic Autos
If you are looking for more readily available relic autos, the ones in this year’s set look tremendous. My only complaint is is the odd mixture of color parallels that dont always work. Brand logos, team logos, crazy glove patches and more are all back again, and when they are pulled, they are really disgusting cards. If I had unlimited funds, these cards would be in my collection over a lot of the other sticker auto relics coming in the next few months.
2015 Topps Inception Jameis Winston Nike Logo Auto Patch 1/1
2015 Topps Inception Amari Cooper Auto Patch Pink Parallel /50
2015 Topps Inception Melvin Gordon Auto Patch Pink Parallel /50
On Card Content in General
Panini should be ashamed of themselves. They have yet to preview a set with on card rookie autographs in any of the products so far shown on their adverblog. When you see the sheer volume of on card content in Inception, it makes you wonder what the fuck they were thinking. I guess they thought it was more important to have the rookies sign acetate scraps and sketch cards than sign actual cards that look even close to what Inception delivers every pack.
2015 Topps Inception 6 Auto Booklet – Mariota, Winston, Gordon, Gurley, Parker, Cooper
People will complain about the 00 jerseys on some of the players. I literally couldnt give a flying fart in fucksville about that. Zero fucks given. On card autograph content is worth the trade, especially when you see that the only rookies who really have the 00 are ones who dont have top billing. Mariota, Gordon, Winston, Cooper, and others are all non-00. Amari is an odd situation with the 19 over 89, only because his number changed well after the print deadline had passed. Either way, the cards look great regardless.
The 00 is in place due to the NFLPA and frustration over using college numbers to fill gaps for teams who are slow at getting numbers assigned. To have cards ready by the Rookie Premiere, where almost all the cards are signed for Inception, they have to be submitted for print likely a week or two after the draft. Some teams dont have the numbers done by that point. Happy trade for me to get hard signed. Any day of the week.
If the rookie you collect has a 00 on their hard signed cards, chances are they will have their correct number for any card not done at the premiere. Amari shows 89, Gurley shows 30, and so on and so forth. Either way, this is Inception’s last year in its current format anyways, so any suggestions for next time are moot regardless of how you feel.
Inception is just a fun product, and its even more exciting to see someone rip through a bunch of boxes live. The chance for some fireworks in every pack is a cool thing to watch this early in the year, as that feeling is usually reserved for the big bopper products later on after the season is already done. Too bad this is not going to happen again this way, maybe ever again.
Awesome product – probably the most under-apprecated of the year. 00 fucks given about the 00 numbers.
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