GUEST POSTER: Voluntarheel
Buy one jersey, make a bunch of fakes. That seems to be the modus operandi for the faker elite. From what I have found, these guys pay very little for jerseys and turn them into their fake swatches. Some just buy the singular patches. But it seems Mr. Turtle_crazy_va can only pinch 4 fakes off of his loaf. How do I know this? Well just take a look at what he is selling at the moment
Not only that, but he has also sold 8 other Kevin Kolb LOGO SPA RPA’s in the last 3 months
. Must have only gotten enough money to buy two jerseys.
Go ahead and add turtle_crazy_va to your ‘do not purchase’ list, maybe even your ‘do not pee on if on fire’ list as well. You know, if you have one of those. I do.