Over the last few days, I have talked about how much I hate the 2011 Contenders ticket design. I feel as though the boxed out approach with the single color background looks absolutely horrid, and when viewing mock ups from amateur card designers, it becomes obvious how much of a missed opportunity it was.
On the other hand, the other hard signed subset of “Rookie Ink” looks MUUUUUUCH better than any other card in the product, and it is becoming more apparent how much better they would have served as the ticket design. Take out the awkward studio shots in silhouette, and replace it with the standard ticket, and all of a sudden, you have a pretty legit card.
Ryan Mallett Rookie Ink Auto SP
Jamie Harper Rookie Ink Auto SP
In fact, I dont mind the studio shot on these cards, as they arent the focus of the design. Instead they add depth to the card, and though I would have liked to see a game shot there, these are actually nice cards that I wouldnt mind chasing.
Last year’s rookie ink cards might be one of the most poorly designed cards of the modern era, and I think that when collectors see the upgrade in 2011, they should be pretty happy. They are much tougher pulls than the tickets, and as more are posted, I will look to buy the players I collect.
Its sad how much cards like this will come to be what 2011 Contenders is all about, and its a horrible continuity of the brand for a company like Panini. Contenders has a HUGE following in the hobby, and I know that poor design wont do anything to prevent that from continuing. However, if the cards looked better, how much MORE potential could there be for success?
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